Skilled Rehab l Assisted Living l Long Term Care

Our Story
A Letter of Welcome from John and Betsy Baum, Owners
Welcome to Bethany!
In 1980, I called my wife Betsy from a payphone in Cincinnati, Ohio to let her know I had secured an arrangement to purchase a small nursing home in our adopted home of Cincinnati. Before I could deliver the good news she excitedly told me that she had been accepted for Medical School at the Northeast Ohio College of Medicine. Our plans had changed and we were moving home. The rest as they say is history.
Soon thereafter, we moved back from Cincinnati to our native Stark County and in November of that same year we purchased Myers Nursing Home – a 27 bed facility with 16 employees. In the nearly 40 years since then (time flies when you are having FUN!), we have had the great pleasure to care for 1,000s of area residents at Bethany.
During this incredible run, we have remained a family business through and through. My first hire in 1980 was my mother Agnes Baum. My sisters, Bonnie, Beth, and Mary joined the operation soon thereafter and have dedicated their lives to our mission. Betsy’s sister, Susie, joined our team in 2003. Our children, Robert, Johnny, Abbey, and Joey all pursued other careers in different locations but they too also moved back home to work at Bethany because of their shared passion for our mission. Robert joined the team as Facility Manager in 2006. Abbey joined Betsy on the Bethany Medical Center team as a Nurse Practitioner in 2010. Johnny joined on as Administrator in 2016. Our daughter-in-law Sarah joined us in 2017 as a Benefits Manager and our son-in-law Scott signed up as Admissions Director in 2018. Our youngest son, Joey, graduated from Northeast Ohio Medical University and will be joining the Bethany Medical Center team as a physician.
We have been lucky enough to do nine additions to the original building since 1980. We have grown to a 115-bed operation with over 170 employees! We like to think our model of Skilled Rehab, Assisted Living, and Long Term Care is unique in the industry due to the Bethany Difference. The Bethany Difference are the defining characteristics of our operation that separate us in the fields of skilled rehab, assisted living, and long-term care. The key tenants of the Bethany Difference are:
-The only facility in Stark County with a full-time board certified and fellowship trained Geriatrician and nurse practitioner who are at Bethany daily.
-An accountable, professional, and dedicated staff of nurses, nurse aides, housekeepers, maintenance staff, servers, cooks, dishwashers, activities staff, and administrative staff that deeply care about serving our residents.
-Bethany's area best staffing ratios and quality measures
-In an industry dominated by corporate chains and REITs, we have remained an independent family owned operation.
And you know what is the best part about our 40 year journey? We (our family, staff, and residents) have had FUN doing it! Please take a look around our website and see if there is a way our family can take care of your family. Come see what a nursing home can be…and more!
John & Betsy Baum, MD
Owners and Operators